Task Forces and the BoardThe BOD is charged with making organizational plans and guiding the ICG, including all ICG business such as running the ICG presence at The PGA Show. Ad hoc task forces, do work, serving at the discretion of the BOD. Three recent task forces created are the ICG Regional Chapter Task Force, ICG Bylaws Task Force and Launch Monitor (LM) Course Task Force. Greg Courtnay, Gary Cottrel, and Jerry Hoefling, Sr. of the Great Lakes Chapter of the ICG will share their experience with burgeoning chapters. Gerald Friz and Miki Rapado will also share their experiences from Europe which is holding its second annual meeting in St Andrews, Scotland from September 9 to 11. Steve Newton, Rick Cantor, Jim Muller, Eddie Smith and Cleve Porter have submitted recommendations for bylaw changes (our first revisions in 8 years) to be put forward to our membership sometime in the Autumn. The LM Course Task Force, directed by Gerald Friz, will begin their developmental work this Autumn. The goal is to have the course ready to by the 2017 PGA Show. Administrative/Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors (elected by ICG membership): Responsible for Finance, Policy Administration, Ethics, Ways & Means, and overall 2-way communications/coordination between all other components of the organization The Board (effective April 1, 2017) is composed of the following members, listed along with their position and the end of their elected term:
All terms are through the election and subsequent Board meeting,