September message from the President
Congratulations to the Great Lakes Chapter for a very successful meeting! You are raising the bar for the ICG. To that end Europe is organizing their first Euro Chapter Meeting as well as Asia working for a fall meeting as well. Contact Augustin or Gerald for info on the European Meeting or Eric for the Asia meeting.
The BOD is researching the development of an ICG International list of top Builder/Fitters. The plan being to promote our members and the Guild as well as well as increasing our visibility with the media.
It's time to start thinking about the PGA Show, already. Frank continues to handle our relations with Reed and we are looking forward to upping our performance from last year (a lofty goal). Continued success will require more volunteers. Stay tuned for online sign up sheets.
The COY Committee has started work on the second round of the Clubmakers of the Year Award evaluations, Good Luck to all, we have many qualified candidates to choose from.
Financially the ICG continues to thrive, thanks are in order to all of our Members and Sponsors who continue to make this possible. We are always looking for that next "big idea", what's yours?
With the upcoming PGA Show comes the following BOD Elections, are you interested? Feel free to contact any of us with any questions or concerns.
Eddie Smith