The Standard October 2014
Newsletter Articles

The Standard


The Latest News from the ICG

October , 2014

In This Issue...

  1. October message from Eddie
  2. Get on the Map!
  3. PGA Show
  4. ICG Sponsor Accra


Sponsors provide great value to our ICG Members.  

BFG Golf

Accra Golf

Sports Sensors

Asia Golf Shafts


Mitchell Golf



Billy Bob's Golf

Tom Wishon Golf Technology

Hireko Trading Company

Swing Science

Balance Certified

Matrix Shafts

Powerbilt Golf

Members certified since the last newsletter:

 Zoe Chin

Danny Seng

Jerry Hoefling Sr.

Chick McEwan

Jack Loi Ren Jie

Mateo Noel

Eric Ng

Miguel Angel Rapado Merino

Ray Tomaszewski

Jacques Intriere



October Message from the President

As the weather gets colder, we all realize we are that much closer to the PGA Show. What a show we expect, Frank got our room assignment and it is fantastic! There is a map and more info in the other forum. We already have doubled last years number of Sponsors participating with us at the PGA Show, and there are still more potentials!

We have it on good word that we should start seeing some regional results in our first ever Clubmaker of the Year Award in the next couple of weeks. These announcements will start to pave the way to the PGA Show in January where the ICG's overall Clubmaker of the Year will be announced.

 Read the rest of the article...

Get on the Map!

In the past month we've added members from South Korea, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and the USA, and a sponsor from Singapore.  Our new web site's forums are already full of great information and our interactive Google Map and Social Media are driving customers to your doors.    More members are getting certified and our first Clubmaker of the Year Competition is under way.   See more here...

ICG Presence at PGA Show.

We'll be at the PGA Demo Day with tent to meet potential new members and three hitting bays for sponsors (space is limited to first 8) to demo products to the thousands who attend the Demo Day.  The ICG has Room W209B upstairs and directly across from the entrance to the main floor.  Wednesday evening will have a special Keynote speaker (last year we had Golf Digest's Mike Stachura), followed by our Awards ceremony including our first ever Clubmakers of the Year and new inductees into our Hall of Fame, as well as our second annual Distinguished Service Award.  Join here and get PGA Show Credentials at no charge. 


ACCRA Golf prides itself on creating the best possible innovative products with the primary concentration on custom club fitting. No shaft company is more dedicated to the Professional Club Fitter.  Innovation and research represent the distinguishing traits of ACCRA: a company that has embraced the challenge of new technologies with the primary aim of creating value. We attribute significant priority to the improvement of performance combined with the partnership with the world's most talented professional club fitters. Learn more about Accra and other sponsors here.


International Clubmakers Guild
38 Walden Pond Avenue
Saugus, MA 01906

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International Clubmakers Guild | 38 Walden Pond Avenue | Saugus, Massachusetts 01906 | United States 

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