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 Subject : Components for kids.. 10/03/2018 02:51:31 PM 
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Does anyone have a good source for components , i.e. heads , shafts grips that would fit young children in the 5-10 year old range ?
 Subject : Re:Components for kids.. 10/15/2018 11:32:56 AM 
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I use KZG LCB iron heads as they are 20 grams lighter than normal heads and Swing Science shafts. Also Air Force One has nice junior clubs.
 Subject : Re:Components for kids.. 12/17/2018 01:23:36 PM 
Posts: 0
Hi Don,

that age group isn`t covered by the component industry to my knowledge. Later on you can use the Future Pro Series from Wishon, but those young ages aren`t covered. I suggest accepting the lack of components for that age group and use US Kids clubs or similar products.

Best regards,
 Subject : Re:Components for kids.. 02/15/2019 12:12:30 PM 
Posts: 0
I agree. Difficult to beat US Kids. I believe that Flynn Golf products are excellent too, although here in Europe it is expensive to order them. I have set up different kids with the USK Tour Series and they have all been very happy indeed.
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